Experience making bracelets,twisted charms,scented sachet,and Japanese rosary(string of beads) yourself!!

Hello everyone. This is the second generation of Yusai studio seminars. This seminar has

three sections the main section is our

“Experience Workshop”, and we offer a

“Japanese Rosary Workshop”, and

“Twisted Charms Workshop” as well.

In the Experience Workshop activity, you

can enjoy making accessories yourself.

You will have a fun and memorable

experience, and it’s a valuable opportunity

to feel authentic Kyoto culture.

We welcome foreign tourists, and travelers.

If you would like us to pick you up,

we can arrange it starting from as close to

your hotel, guesthouse, or station as possible,

within a reasonable range. Please contact us.


Experience course

Bracelets:  2,500 to 5,000*JPY

about 45 min

Twisted charms: 2,500 JPY

about 60 min

Scented sachet: 2,000 JPY

about 40 min

Japanese rosary:  3,500 to 7,500*JPY   

about 80 min

*You can choose from beads for bracelets orJapanese rosary(depending on the price).

In addition, you can choose your colors and

Patterns of twisted charms

and scented sachet.

If you have any questions, please feel to contact us.


Open 9:30~11:30、13:30~17:30

Closed Sundays and Holidays  

238-1 Tamurabizencyo Kamigyo-ku kyoto-shi

TEL 075-812-3373   

FAX 075-812-3375







”体験工房 雄彩”のページにお越しいただきまして、ありがとうございます。